项目分类 | 住宅建筑

祥源公园城/Xiangyuan Park City, Funan

项目位置:安徽 · 阜南



     祥源阜南公园城市以公园为核心,复合居住、教育、景观、文化为一体的“城市中央公园”运营模式,完善城市功能,提升城市品质。融合阜南地域慢生活文化、都市快时尚消费于一体的特色街区,创建一个人文品质生活的梦想居所,集住—学—品—玩—购城市优质资源、动静相得益彰的品质社区。在规划上参考纽约"中央城市公园"规划理念,借鉴国内优秀城市公园案例,打造阜南特有的城市公园,形成东西纵深650米的绿轴横贯基地。利用现状河道和城市绿地,连接城市铁路绿化带,打造滨水生态公园;以中轴线连接东西,打造区域景观慢行系统;以纵向城市绿带为纽带连接城市绿化系统。以一横三纵形成四个居住社区,绿色、水系由中央公园、滨水带向社区延伸、渗透。“一”横:以东西纵深650米的超大尺度——中央城市,公园为核心;“三”纵:滨水柳带——樱花大道——城市绿带;“四”组团:绿岛——花园——水岸——运动四个生态人文社区。植入纽约中央城市公园、旧金山芳草地、纽约佩雷公园、曼哈顿滑板公园 、汉普顿私人花园五个伟大公园体系,围合出 “开放—— 交往——私密”不同的尺度,从开放无界到舒适的私密空间。打造一个以都市公园为核心,以特色街区为纽带,融合本地人文风貌和历史文化的阜南新形象。

Xiangyuan Funan Park City: a "central park" with Park as its core, which combines living, education, landscape and culture as a whole. Its operation mode perfects the city function and improves the city quality. Fusing the local slow life culture and urban fast fashion consumption in the south of Fujian, we will create a dream residence of humanistic quality life and a high quality community of gathering, learning, tasting, playing and purchasing the city's high quality resources. Referring to the New York "Central City Park" planning concept, drawing on the excellent cases of urban parks in China, to create a unique urban park in southern Fujian, forming a green axis across the base 650 meters East-West depth. Utilizing the present river course and urban green space: connecting the urban railway greening belt, creating waterfront ecological park; connecting the East and West with the central axis, creating a regional landscape slow system; connecting the urban greening system with the vertical urban green belt. Four residential communities are formed by one horizontal and three vertical. The green and water system extends and infiltrates from the Central Park and waterfront to the community. "One" horizontal: 650 meters East-West depth of the super-large scale - Central city, Park as the core of the "three" vertical: Waterfront Willow Belt - Cherry Blossom Avenue - Urban Green belt, "four" groups: Green Island - Garden - Waterfront - Sports four eco-human communities. Implanted in the Central City Park of New York, San Francisco Meadows, New York Perry Park, Manhattan Skateboard Park, Hampton Private Garden, five great park systems encompass different scales of "open - social - private" from open boundless to comfortable private space. To create a city park as the core, to the characteristics of the block as a link, the integration of local cultural features and historical culture of the new image of Funan.

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